Corporate Photography

Are you relying on stock photography? Struggling to find images for your website? Is your About Page pictureless and your team headshots a bunch of selfies? Your business deserves better.

An adorable office dog, an Operations Director with a quirky hobby, an amazing Founder’s story…

It’s time to tell your company’s story and a picture is worth 1000 words.

Man and woman work at computers in modern office
Two young men cheers water bottles in an office

Leigh Farmer Photography offers professional photoshoots tailored specifically to the needs of Exeter businesses. Whether it’s a series of professional staff headshots, event photography, team photos or a glimpse into a working day, get in touch to find out how Leigh can help capture your business in a series of relaxed, modern portraits that truly reflect your company culture.

Brainstorming icon

This isn’t about a set of beautiful pictures, it’s about the visual storytelling of what differentiates your brand. Every photoshoot starts with a brainstorming session and mood boarding, essential building blocks to create bespoke pictures that are going to work hard for you…

Pictures that mean business.

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see how Leigh has helped other Companies bring their business to life…

Tide Banking

Day in the life of, client images, full-company team shot, directors’ headshots and more for this leading financial business platform.

Source Bulk Foods

Founder photos, action product shots, instore images, website and press release photos for this chain of zero waste stores.


Annual report imagery, company handbook shots, website and press release photos for this national network of charitable food redistributors.


Full company photos, staff bios, directors’ shots, social media collateral and more for this tech-driven insurance company.

All the reasons you haven’t invested in professional pictures (and why those excuses aren’t good enough)

“Jean from Accounts got a DSLR for her birthday, so she can take the photos” – Jean has scissors too but you wouldn’t get her to cut your hair.

“My phone takes really good photos, I can do them myself” – Leigh has 5 lenses, 2 camera bodies, lights, modifiers, backgrounds, a Masters in Marketing and Photography training. You could take your own pictures but deep down you know it’s not the same thing.

“There are loads of stock pictures” – Your company is unique, your people are special, your photography should be too.

“It’s a nice to have but it’s expensive” – Photography is an investment. It’s time saved not scrabbling around for social media content, it’s a quick response to PR opportunities, it’s not paying for generic stock imagery. It’s a sign of professionalism.

“I hate having my picture taken” – You don’t enjoy going to the dentist either but needs must. And having your photo taken is a lot more fun than fillings.